Text by Luis Borba

OK, so I didn’t qualify for the 2019 Worlds. Nothing new;after all, I’m just a mid-fleet sailor and only the best qualified. But this time was different because the Worlds would be in my home country, just a few hours away from São Paulo and hosted in one of Brazil’s best and most beautiful sailing venues – Ilhabela. 

When would this happen again? How could I miss this opportunity to see the best Snipe sailors in the world fight for the title up close? I had to figure a way out. After a few intrapersonal brainstorming sessions, I came up with an idea. I was already serving as our National Secretary’s (Paola Prada) voluntary translator. Her brother as well as my longtime friend Bruno Prada was organizing the event. “Why don’t I offer my language skills and international background to work in the event?” My timing was perfect when I called Bruno for a coffee. He had just received the Snipe Class Prize Giving Protocol that required the opening and closing ceremonies to be conducted in English. Bang, hired!

When I drove down to Ilhabela, my mindset was to do my best to help the event be a success and to help all the foreign teams feel welcome and make their Brazil experience to be enjoyable, easy, unforgettable. 

My first duty was to write the speech for the opening ceremony on Saturday 4th, held together with the prize giving for the Juniors. The ceremony included athletes’ parade, samba, prizes, speeches and translations. From that moment on I was already “becoming famous”, and I started being called for multiple activities.

Skippers meeting

Translation for skippers’ meeting? Sure. Daily announcements? Sure. Sailors’ forum? Sure!

But the unexpected opportunity came when they asked me to go on the media boat to help the guys from VelaVivawith their live coverage of the races, to which I immediately said “Suuuure!” With my total availability approach, I got to see the action from a privileged position and began covering the races with real time technical commentaries, boat side interviews, interviews with daily leaders. Despite no preparation, the “critics’ reviews” were surreal; I went from Borba to “the voice” of the 2019 Worlds in a flash and became almost as famous as the best Snipe sailors in the world! Many of my sailing idols praised my performance and I gained respect from old-time friends as well as strangers wanting to befriend me on Facebook.

It all came to an end on Saturday 12th with the prize giving and closing ceremony, dinner and party, where I once again wrote the speech, conducted the ceremony and translated speeches. I left Ilhabela feeling accomplished and proud with the feedback that I was a key part in the event’s overwhelming success. Back to my club-racing scene where I am famous only for my bandanas… Nevertheless, if the stars keep shining on me, maybe you’ll be hearing more of my voice in future events. For now, “over and out.”

Borba and Augie Diaz
Carol Cronin and Borba


Are you coming to the Snipe Worlds and still don’t have a boat arrangement? There is a list with boats available to charter in this link

Ilhabela is an awesome location to sail, the city is sweet and picturesque and there are still some open spots for late entries in case you are a former snipe world champion.

There is a very interesting story with some ideas about making things happen on this blog post from our Nation Secretary “Making Things Happen by SnipeDivas

photo credit Ronald Kraag

There are still some boats for charter, including Persson, DBmarine and some brand new Lemão that were built specially for this championship! All the negotiations happen directly with the boat owner, but if you have doubts email our National Secretary!

O Livrão

Em janeiro deste ano, junto com o cargo de Secretario Nacional, recebi o livrão. O livrão já viajou muito e acompanhou vários secretários nacionais em suas jornadas, e de lá que saem as diretivas nacionais da classe.

…o tal livrão é o livro que contêm atas de assembleias da classe snipe desde 1959, e eu achei que dentro de uma proposta de colaboratividade e transparência todas as atas que estão alí deveriam ser de acesso livre a todos os velejadores.

Para isso criei uma pasta e as atas estão arquivadas por ano.

Foi um belo trabalho, 41 atas foram escaneadas, mas… ainda faltam atas de alguns anos, de 1971 a 1973 e de 1976 a 1990, quem tiver notícias destas atas, uma que seja, favor encaminhar para , a história da classe Snipe Brasil agradece!

Leste Brasileiro 2019

Informações no site do ICRJ

Segue link para o Aviso de Regatas do Campeonato Leste Brasileiro da Classe Snipe 2019

Snipe Bulletin – Summer 2019

Pan-Americano Master 2020 – RIO

Pesquisa sobre Intenção de Participar Pan-Americano Master 2020 de SNIPE

de 04 a 13 de setembro de 2020, na Marina da Gloria, Rio de Janeiro

Tripulação mista (como nos Jogos Pan-Americanos).


O timoneiro tem que completar 45 anos em 2020 e a soma das idades deve ser igual ou maior a 80 anos.

Snipe Bulletin – Spring 2019


Snipe Bulletin – Spring 2019

Abaixo temos os links para os artigos que foram enviados para o Snipe Bulletin:

Copa Vela SP

I invited Alberto Hackerott to write about the 5th year of the Copa Vela, a regata formula that he created analyzing the needs of the sailors, and that is a big success here at Guarapiranga.
“Serious Sailing, Seriou FUN!
Snipes have been part of his life since 1984 when 5 year old Alberto sailed with his father Frederico Hackerott for the first time.
Today, 35 years later he continues to sail Snipes, “in his opinion the best sailboat for Brazilian reality: competitive, technical, democratic (for the whole family) and locally produced (completely feasible for a normal guy)”.
Family spirit created by the snipe class is sincerely present in weekend regattas at the Guarapiranga dam in São Paulo, Brazil. 
“In 10 years we could boost our Snipe fleet from 5 boats to 30 regular boats joining weekend regattas”. The recipe? Simple:
1) a fleet coordinator who was passionate for his duty (Mr Pedro Quezada), who taught many inexperienced sailors and stimulated them to join the Snipe Class between 2008 and 2013. His successor since 2014, Mr Alonso Lopez, was capable of keeping the good momentum.
2) the 311’s snipe fleet led by Alonso Lopez, Leonardo Prioli and Paola Prada, whose proactive spirit brought important championships to our location, like Southeast Regionals in 2017, Brazilian Nationals in 2019, and Women’s World Championship (to be held) in 2020. 
3) The willingness of a yacht club to recognize its genuine purpose to organize regattas and host events which could bring up sailors together: between 2014 and 2017 Copa Vela YCP hosted at YACHT CLUB PAULISTA offered around 80 events for 18 different sailboat classes. 
Can you think of which class grew quickly and sustainably with this move? Yes, the Snipe class.
“In 2014 we thought about an event format which could bring sailors together for some hours, aiming to make them socialize and recognize things in common besides saying “hello” at sailing course or shacking hands at prize giving, when everybody is rushing to leave quickly”, says Alberto. 
“We found out that just regattas are not enough to sustain a good momentum and expectations of “what’s next”. Not everybody will win a regatta or a prize. 80% of Sailors in general sail for fun. And fun means competition, integration, socialization and knowledge transferring”. 
The ideal sailing event should combine above ingredients, plus good food prepared to sustain the event’s image and a spokesman who will teach other sailors about his abilities to sail Snipes. 
That means usually subscription fares are not enough to cover event’s marginal costs: “the events are responsible to keep yacht clubs alive. If clubs think an event must be profitable, they are not thinking BIG”, states Alberto. “20 additional Snipes mean 40 additional sailors which will support to sustain the heavy fixed costs usually a reality for yacht clubs in Brazil. 
“We are conscious that the Snipe Class was responsible for saving our club’s economy in 2015 when a terrible economic crisis hit our country. Today we have at Yacht Club Paulista the biggest Snipe fleet in São Paulo with 35 boats and 20 regularly active”.
Text: Alberto Hackerott
Images: Will Carrara e Lidia Rossini

Snipe Day Tupiniquim – Rio de Janeiro

[story by Mario Eugenio Tavares]
The 368 fleet, Baia da Guarabara, has it’s base at Clube de Regatas Guanabara, at a very privileged location inside Enseada do Botafogo between the “Pão de Açucar” (Sugar Loaf hill) and Corcovado.
At our hangars we have space for only 24 boats and we predict to keep at least 12 of then in good terms with Scira. The other boats have been abandoned by their previous owners and that now belong to the club, and are going to be restructured to serve for the sailing school and chartering. A couple of them belong to some non competitive sailors only interested in the serious fun. 
On February 17th our rich neighbor the fleet 159 promoted a 6 hour regata “6horas da Baia de Guanabara”, a very festive regata where each boat has 2 different crews that take turns each making a complete round between Urca and Botafogo, always passing in front of the two clubs.
The 368 fleet took advantage of the tranquil waters and great visibility of this event to promote it’s SnipeDay.
Opti sailors, opti parents, new not experienced snipe owners were invited, one week prior to the regata there was a clinic where the boat was presented, the basic regulations explained as the way of sailing a snipe. A boat was assembled and all the present could sail and get to know the snipe. 
The next weekend, on Saturday prior to the regata all the teams were divided, two boats and 8 sailors, being 2 of them experienced skippers.
it was a lot of fun, the one that was on serious sailing mode got a 5th place and the other crew that was on the serious fun mode got the last place. objectives fully achieved, to understand and appreciate the snipe sailing. As a result: more people interested in joining the snipe class.

A flotilha 368, Baia da Guanabara, está sediada no Clube de Regatas Guanabara, em privilegiada localização na enseada de Botafogo, entre  o morro Pão de Açúcar e Corcovado., 

No nosso hangar só cabem 24 barcos e nossa previsão é mantermos  ao menos 12 em dia com a SCIRA. Os demais são barcos abandonados pelos antigos donos que passaram a pertencer ao clube e em breve servirão a nossa escola de vela e para aluguel, ou são de pessoas interessadas no Serious Fun que o barco proporciona.  Sem interesse em regatas.

No dia 17/2 o ICRJ, nosso vizinho rico, a flotilha 159, promoveu as 06 horas da Baia da Guanabara, regata festiva que propõe duas tripulações por barco, se revezando a cada volta, trocando no pier de embarque do clube, durante as 6 horas, num percurso  entre a Urca e Botafogo sempre passando em frente aos dois clubes.

Aproveitamos esse evento de grande visibilidade e em águas tranquilas para promover nosso Snipe Day.  Convidamos os velejadores de Optimist, seus pais, os novos e inexperientes proprietários de Snipe e os demais interessados e fizemos uma semana antes da regata, uma clinica onde apresentamos o barco, suas regulagens básicas, modo de velejar e montamos um barco onde todos puderam durante o fim de semana  conhecer  o Snipe. No outro fim de semana, sábado, véspera da regata, dividimos as tripulações e dois barcos, oito pessoas com dois timoneiros experientes  fomos para a água.

Foi uma diversão;  um correu no modo serious sailing ficou em¨5º , o outro no modo serious fun, ficou em ultimo mas  o objetivo foi plenamente alcançado; apreciar e entender a velejada. Como resultado:  temos novos interessados entrando para a classe…;)

Jeffrey Shaw Cup – Brasilia

From Cezar Castro – fleet 516 Brasília

Snipes are making a strong comeback on Brasilia’s Paranoa Lake as the 516 fleet reunited three sailing generations in the Jeffrey Shaw cup, a 2 day tournament in honor of a young 81-year-old athlete who fell in love with Snipes in 2012 which was when he started sailing and had his first lessons. Today he is an example for young and old sailors alike and his enthusiasm, dedication and desire is so strong that he wants to sail even if there is no wind. Eleven boats disputed the 4th  Jeffrey Shaw cup that reunited the older, the present and the future sailing generations and the participation in the event of young members of the Optmist class added a special brilliance. New winds are blowing in fleet 516 sails, promising a strong return of the class in Brazil’s capital.

Sumula Jeffrey Shaw Cup 2019